Wordle.net is a web application that allows you to create beautiful word clouds from text that you choose. In a Wordle word cloud the sizes of each word vary depending on the frequency the word is present in the source text. The more frequent a word, the larger the word appears in the word cloud.
In his
article on BrightHub.com, Jonathon Wylie gives 10 suggestions for using a Wordle word cloud in classrooms. Jonathon gives directions and links to examples for creating Personal Narratives, using Wordles with Famous Speeches, creating Wordle Gifts, Classroom Polls, Comparing & Contrasting information, Word Walls, Current Affair and Document Analysis, and more.
Wordle word clouds are easy and fun to make. Word clouds are a great way for students to evaluate information and demonstrate learning. Watch this video to learn how.
Wordle from
John Lustig on
Some additional Wordle resources:
I Can Back Off My Blogging, Turn Down My Tweeting, And Even Wrap Up My Wiki,
But I Can’t Wane My Wordling...
An article about Wordle.net word clouds by Michael Gorman from Tech&Learning.com. This article includes links to other Wordle articles, tutorials, and examples about how Wordles can be used by students and teachers for learning.
51Interesting Ways to Use Wordle in a Classroom
Tips and examples for using Wordles in classroom lessons. Presentation originally created by Tom Barret.
Five Ways to Make Word Clouds from Text
Richard Byrne has a great post about using Wordle and four other word cloud generators to easily make word clouds from text. All five of these tools enable teachers and students to bring the power of word clouds into classrooms for teaching and demonstrating learning.
Sample Lesson Plan for integrating word clouds, such as Wordle, as tools for students to evaluate information and demonstrate learning.